It takes more than the "hurting" to be able to learn. In the process, we are hurt because we refuse to learn.
Life is a big maze with unending streams of choices- should i go this way or the other? should i run or walk? should i battle the rain or wait until it no longer pours?
What is scary is not that illusions appear real but that what seems so real are but illusions-
It's waking that makes dreams just figments... But it's dreaming that makes each slumbering a whole new experience everytime.
Sometimes all I see are just silhouettes- shadowed contours; that no matter how I want to embrace the form, I cannot; that no matter how I want to hold the figure, I won’t; but then as soon as the hollows are filled with utter light or darkness- the silhouettes fade with it...
We cannot be faulted for something we did right; in the end, it is only ourselves to blame for something we did wrong.
Don’t expect others to complete you. Make yourself whole- others cannot always fill what you lack. A heart can only give the fullness of its beating when it’s intact. Mend the pieces when shattered- fear not of unsightly scars. A heart that sees beyond the disfigurements is worthy.
At the end of the day, how you treat yourself is as important as how you treat others. Love should not make you inferior; it should not make you feel less of a person than you are.
Trust your heart. Stop making rationalizations to justify everything. More often than not, you know the answer.
We cannot be faulted for something we did right; In the end, it is only ourselves to blame for something we did wrong.
Make amends with your past- nothing is more liberating...Continue to tread the right path, though gravelly and be prepared to walk sometimes barefooted.
Sometimes what hurts the most is not that we do not know- but that we do know and have always known. It's when silence speaks louder than any words ever uttered.
Everyday, we have choices and upon those choices we decide. We cannot be always in the middle. We cannot be always in between.
We are like kids playing the musical chairs. We dance. We wish that the music won't stop. We dread that when it does, that moment we had to rush and find a place. The music is the realm where we would always want to be. As long as the music keeps on playing, we worry not. But then at some point the music has to stop and we have to find that spot.
Sometimes we resent life for what it has not given us. In deeper reflection, we realized that not everything we have wanted, we needed. Whatever we have right at this moment is always something to be grateful for. Even the littlest thing. Even that which may be hurting.
Trust that wherever your heart is, there you'll be... Trust that whatever you have found, even if it may not be exactly what you have searched for, is the perfect piece...
When we are loved inspite of ourselves, we need no masks to cover the flaws. Only those who understand can see beauty behind imperfections. Only those who know how to embrace can feel the warmth beyond the seemingly cold stature.
Let life take its normal course. Worry not for the things you cannot control. Sometimes patiently waiting for the flower in its full bloom is worthwhile. God has a way of weaving the thread together in His Time. Prayers coupled with positivity always play a role. Slow down and make the most out of every moment.
Some say they are like walking in an unlit room and trying to find that corner where they are safe, that corner where they can stay until the light comes up. But then again in the process, they bumped into things and some may tripped on objects and the next thing they know they will hit the ground with a loud thud. This is what you call uncertainty.
We are cruising the sea of life. Sometimes the currents are too strong that almost capsize our vessels. We call upon Him to calm the wind- to ease the ripples of the waters. But then again, we continue to sail with each time being a new adventure.
Life is a big maze with unending streams of choices- should i go this way or the other? should i run or walk? should i battle the rain or wait until it no longer pours?
What is scary is not that illusions appear real but that what seems so real are but illusions-
It's waking that makes dreams just figments... But it's dreaming that makes each slumbering a whole new experience everytime.
Sometimes all I see are just silhouettes- shadowed contours; that no matter how I want to embrace the form, I cannot; that no matter how I want to hold the figure, I won’t; but then as soon as the hollows are filled with utter light or darkness- the silhouettes fade with it...
We cannot be faulted for something we did right; in the end, it is only ourselves to blame for something we did wrong.
Don’t expect others to complete you. Make yourself whole- others cannot always fill what you lack. A heart can only give the fullness of its beating when it’s intact. Mend the pieces when shattered- fear not of unsightly scars. A heart that sees beyond the disfigurements is worthy.
At the end of the day, how you treat yourself is as important as how you treat others. Love should not make you inferior; it should not make you feel less of a person than you are.
Trust your heart. Stop making rationalizations to justify everything. More often than not, you know the answer.
We cannot be faulted for something we did right; In the end, it is only ourselves to blame for something we did wrong.
Make amends with your past- nothing is more liberating...Continue to tread the right path, though gravelly and be prepared to walk sometimes barefooted.
Sometimes what hurts the most is not that we do not know- but that we do know and have always known. It's when silence speaks louder than any words ever uttered.
Everyday, we have choices and upon those choices we decide. We cannot be always in the middle. We cannot be always in between.
We are like kids playing the musical chairs. We dance. We wish that the music won't stop. We dread that when it does, that moment we had to rush and find a place. The music is the realm where we would always want to be. As long as the music keeps on playing, we worry not. But then at some point the music has to stop and we have to find that spot.
Sometimes we resent life for what it has not given us. In deeper reflection, we realized that not everything we have wanted, we needed. Whatever we have right at this moment is always something to be grateful for. Even the littlest thing. Even that which may be hurting.
Trust that wherever your heart is, there you'll be... Trust that whatever you have found, even if it may not be exactly what you have searched for, is the perfect piece...
When we are loved inspite of ourselves, we need no masks to cover the flaws. Only those who understand can see beauty behind imperfections. Only those who know how to embrace can feel the warmth beyond the seemingly cold stature.
Let life take its normal course. Worry not for the things you cannot control. Sometimes patiently waiting for the flower in its full bloom is worthwhile. God has a way of weaving the thread together in His Time. Prayers coupled with positivity always play a role. Slow down and make the most out of every moment.
Some say they are like walking in an unlit room and trying to find that corner where they are safe, that corner where they can stay until the light comes up. But then again in the process, they bumped into things and some may tripped on objects and the next thing they know they will hit the ground with a loud thud. This is what you call uncertainty.
We are cruising the sea of life. Sometimes the currents are too strong that almost capsize our vessels. We call upon Him to calm the wind- to ease the ripples of the waters. But then again, we continue to sail with each time being a new adventure.