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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life's Hues

It was white-

When born, tainted with the sins of man
Made pure at Baptism- made clean of unrighteousness
The white garment, the water, the light- reminder that we are a child of God

It was green-

Like an unripe fruit- fresh; vigorous
Youthfulness; Childhood- the time of discovering
The season of budding and growing

It was blue-

A hue of a clear daytime sky ; of the vast sea
Of lonely and gloomy times
When faced with uncertainties

It was pink-

Our best- bubbly; rosy
It was a pale red - on to the doors of Love
The theme- Beauty; Fragility; Femininity

It was red-

Roses blooming; Hearts melting; Falling in love
Embraces, promises, wishing upon the stars
Building castles out of sand

It was yellow-

The color of lemons and daffodils
Of warning; of caution; of slowing down
Of taking life one step a time

It was orange-

Before the sun sets; before the sky turns to gray
Magnificence of God’s glory
For but another day

It was grey-

Pessimism- of life’s future
Angels might come and close these eyes
This day or hour might be the last

It was black then again white…

Endings; Cessation;
There will be again beginnings- new life
Then black will turn to white…