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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story of You

I saw you staring from afar-
As you reminisce
27 years of existence
Scenes of yesterday were like films that kept playing
It was so real and vivid

You were 13 then
The inexplicable shivers and thumping of your heart
Inspired and enthused- that was you
But you were 13 then
So young and he knew
So he waited- you waited
Then 4 years passed
You were 17 back then
Your first kiss, your first love- that was him
You were together – it was magic
Like a fairy tale come true
Like a dream- that you would not want to wake up
It came- then for some reasons it had to go
It’s not that you let it slip away
You were making it work
And then you realized
He was never yours from the beginning
Those times were but stolen
You let him go because you love him
And then you realized that to love him
He has to love himself
He has to find himself
You cried, you wept-
You remember, you freed yourself
That was the only way

You were 20-
You have dreams- you fear failure so much
Expectations were high
But like a race to the finish line
You didn’t make it
Self-pity engulfed you
You were in a mess
Have pushed yourself to the limit and walked to the edge
But like in a battle
You came home bleeding
Your family was there to meet you
You were not alone- they were there
Failing does not mean you lost it all
It is giving up that make you lose it all

You were 21 then
And through persistence
You finally tasted the sweetest victory
And when you looked out the window
The real test is yet to come

You were 22
At such unexpected time
At such unexpected place
You met someone that you least expected to fall for
But you did
No fireworks in the sky or stars that lit up the nights
No fanciness- no glitters nor gold
There was just you and him
All those times and every day- were unforgettable

Then you were 24
Great opportunity has knocked at your door
You peek and hesitated for a moment
But decisions are to be made
Apprehensions of the future frightened you
You feared the unknown
You have to go and leave because that was what was best at that moment
Distance does not separate but oblivion

You are 27 now
As you looked backed
Be grateful
Moments of nothingness; episodes of grief; celebrations of victories; state of brokenness
All led you to become the person that you are now
People in your life are meant to be there
Offer everything to the one that has given you it
Pray and continue to pray
Nothing is more powerful
And Live

Those were the days

Those were the days when you wished you had everything
And when you finally have it all, you realized something is missing
There’s a gap, space inside you that you would want filled
Then you ask the question; have I lived my life to the fullest?

Those were the days when you wished you were there
And then you started thinking of what could have been
There’s an intense yearning that if you could just turn back time
Then you ask the question; will today be a little different?

Those were the days when you wished tomorrow is known
So moments of hurt or mishaps can be foretold
There’s an unfathomable desire that only if you could peek into the future
Then you ask; will those answer all the questions?

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Seed

I was a small seed sown amid tall grasses and muddy grounds
I was frightened I might not grow and be embedded only deep-down
I was afraid Light might not reach me and eternally be in shade
I was scared that this soil might not be dampened and drought might take its toll

Then comes the RAIN- its droplets were like thousands of tears from Heaven
The sky was gray, the clouds were heavy
Nights were cold- the wind whispering, streams gushing
Branches plummeting, leaves falling, trees swaying

And I was washed away... swept by the trickling downpour…
By the side of a rock, I found myself soaked and drenched

I was a small seed that trek the earth amid tall grasses and muddy grounds
I feared storms, I dread relentless precipitation
I feared strong winds, I dread deluge

Then comes the SUN- its rays were like blankets that provide warmth
The sky was blue, the clouds were clear
Nights were humid- the wind stood in silence, streams were calm
Leaves were green and branches were robust

And I was amazed… swept away by nature’s unpredictability…
By the side of a rock, I found myself thrilled of what is to come

I was a small seed lodged beside this rock amid tall grasses and muddy grounds
I fear drought, I dread famine

I was a small seed once that has grown amid tall grasses and muddy grounds
And I fear not the winds, the storm , the rain… for He is always with me

Friday, July 9, 2010


If I am a rose in a thorn-filled garden, would you opt to pick the flower?
If I am a tree without leaves, would you climb my branches?
If I am a lake in the midst of wilderness, would you ever appreciate my beauty?
If I am a butterfly, would you look at me and see me fly?

If I am an unlit star in the vast sky, would you know of my existence?
If I am a rainbow after the rain, would you be amazed of my colors?
If I am the wind, would you stay and hear my whispering?
If I am but a stone thrown at sea, will you ever find me?

If I am but a torn page in a book, would you browse and read my content?
If I am a pen, would you scribe and tell me your story?
If I am a song, would you know the lyrics?
If I am the music, would you dance with my rhythm?

If I am but only your heart
If I am but only the air that you breathe
If I am but only your life
I want to be that and only that forever…

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life's Hues

It was white-

When born, tainted with the sins of man
Made pure at Baptism- made clean of unrighteousness
The white garment, the water, the light- reminder that we are a child of God

It was green-

Like an unripe fruit- fresh; vigorous
Youthfulness; Childhood- the time of discovering
The season of budding and growing

It was blue-

A hue of a clear daytime sky ; of the vast sea
Of lonely and gloomy times
When faced with uncertainties

It was pink-

Our best- bubbly; rosy
It was a pale red - on to the doors of Love
The theme- Beauty; Fragility; Femininity

It was red-

Roses blooming; Hearts melting; Falling in love
Embraces, promises, wishing upon the stars
Building castles out of sand

It was yellow-

The color of lemons and daffodils
Of warning; of caution; of slowing down
Of taking life one step a time

It was orange-

Before the sun sets; before the sky turns to gray
Magnificence of God’s glory
For but another day

It was grey-

Pessimism- of life’s future
Angels might come and close these eyes
This day or hour might be the last

It was black then again white…

Endings; Cessation;
There will be again beginnings- new life
Then black will turn to white…

Monday, May 31, 2010


What is there in an embrace?

What is there in a hug?

Could it be the feeling of warmth?

Could it be the sense of security in another's arms?

A cuddle, a cling, a clasp

Comfort it brings- relief to those who hurt

It is a statement- a manifestation

Of just being there

An enfolding- a grasp

A greeting or farewell it was

A sweet smile or bitter tears it has

Stories are endless- meanings may contrast

Then embrace- brace me.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Forever Cherished

This world is temporary
There is a dwelling place- a paradise beyond this
Where all would come before Him in his glory...

This body is borrowed
There is an undying soul- a spirit
That transcends the human form- infinite, perpetual

This life is a drop of water in the ocean
A speck of dust in the ground
In eternity- years are but seconds, only a blink of an eye

This time is a heartbeat, a gasp of air
Then tomorrow will come
This world, this body, this life may cease
Not the memories- not the thoughts- forever cherished